Friday, November 30, 2012


Life has defintely threw a cuurveball over the past month. Losing a family member is definitely hard. I was dating this new guy from school back in September I had to let him go because he said some things that really had me for a loop. Plus I still have feelings for someone else I want to start over but taking things slow may be the best thing. I need to focus on myself and it'll be easier this time because I can focus on school. Being in a relationship right now wouldn't be good for me. I'm extremely sensetive, and whenever things get cancelled I take it to heart. The "school boy" kept cancelling on me, and I stopped calling him. That's a pet peeve of mine I want to be able to spend time with someone and get to know them more. Protecting my heart makes sense, I will miss my father everyday. I'm still grieving and I just can't get my heart broken and grieve it'll be an emotional overload. It's time for me to get spiritually balanced, become more independent, and just start being more of an adult. I'm tired of relying on my family, I'm tired of being anxious, and I'm tired of fighting; but I have to support myself, I have to work I have to keep at it with college. I have to start learning how to hustle............ legally of course, so I have to find creative ways to make money. My sister is extremely talented, but it's different for me. It's time I make a list of things to do so I can stop being dependent.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Life and time and Time of life to live

Things have taken an extreme u-turn. I will have to change a lot of things and people in my life. I'm trying to get my life in order and change who I associate myself with. I can't get comfortable anymore no matter how hard things get I have to keep pushing myself until I get what I want. I'm starting to pay attention to my dreams and the symbols in them. Some I know and some I need help interpreting. I'm also learning who my true friends are. I will continue to meditate and pay attention to the messages. One person I know won't be that difficult but the others I'm still not sure. As the saying goes all will be revealed in due time.