Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Things have been crazy busy! I started my second semester at my new college, and I'm taking Early childhood. I was talking to someone new but he was moving too fast. Trying to sory my feelings out that's all I'll say about that situation. Being single is a little easier this time now that I go to school five days a week. I'm trying not to get stressed out so easily. I do miss the guy I was dating last year, and I think about him off and on. Relationships can be complicated and I really feel like we are meant to be. Maybe the timing wasn't right ugh here I go getting distracted again. School is going really well I'm passing both of my classes, and I'm coming into my own. I spread my classes out for next semester so I can work, and I have to learn to mult-task. That is not my strong suit but I'm a work in progess. I sometimes wish I could go back in time and change just about everything. I would change how I did in high school academically, last year I would've done better in the relationship I was in. I remember when I was little I said by the time I'm in my 20s I would have graduated from college, have a job, and married. I feel like I wasted my 20's time to step it up some more. Learning how to handle things better is something that I need to do. Finding techniques on multi-tasking and staying calm is a must. Eliminating fear is a must that's the only way I will do better. So time to be more mature and just get over the small stuff.


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