Saturday, January 9, 2010

My life so far

WOW!!!! I haven't been on here in ages well back in 2008 I've been diagnosed with a social disorder called Non-verbal which means I have trouble understanding the big picture. I over analyze, I don't understand facial expressions and I have trouble making friends in new social situations. It effects me academically as well mostly in math and some other subject areas. I am going to a technical college in April I hope I get in but until then I will be looking for a job. It's a new year I may not be setting resolutions because I never follow through. I do wanna improve my social life. I will post the video I did about my disorder maybe later on today. In terms of my life I want it to be fast pace its always in slow motion and it's a little hard being social while have a problem that doesn't let anything go untouched. I have to be serious and to start to walk my talk. I can go on like this anymore so I have some serious soul searching, and I have a boyfriend who loves me for me. It'll be two years in March since we've been together and I love him he is so honest and caring.


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