Thursday, August 16, 2012


Things have been going really well for me lately. I have financial aid, I start school next week, and I'll be working with a temp agency. Being single is tough at times but staying busy does help tremendously. I do miss my ex and I know I shouldn't but I do there are good things I missed about the relationship. He's extremely intelligent, funny, and caring. That's all I will say about it and I still feel like he's the one,but it may not be for right now. I have to get my life in order, and a lot of things need to be said if we were to reconcile. Self-confidence is still an issue with me because when I was little, and in high school I was teased a lot. I was teased because of my weight, and I was very shy. In High School I was teased because of my weight, I had braces, glasses, and I had trouble processing information plus I was considered different. I dressed like a tomboy, I listened to the music I liked and I was an avid reader. But a few years ago I finally knew what the learning differences were. So the next step is to separate myself from the label and view them has challenges to work through and come up with solutions. I do know that I'm quirky, and I believe in God but I need to accept myself and not care about what others think of me. I guess I've been emotionally scared for so long and the insults people gave me stuck with me. They were hurtful things and I take everything to heart and that caused long going depression. Life always has ups and downs but I feel like I'm going in the right direction. This summer I was spending a lot of time by myself and that gave me a change to grow and learn about myself. I learned that it's okay to be happy when something good happens. I learned to speak my mind without feeling obligation or regret. I still have a long....... way to go but I know things will continue to get better.