Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Volunteering went very well today it feels nice to give back. I've been having lots of experiences lately, I've been waking up at constantly. When I wake up I feel floaty like I've been astral travel. For those of you who don't know what astral travel is its when your spirit comes out of your body. It feels like your leaving your body, I remember when I did that the first time a few years ago. I went all the way up to the ceiling, and it was scary,and I snapped back into my body. I remember a second time was when I was on a mountain trip, and I had meditated by the fire when I was asleep I left my body. I snapped back into myself so hard that I had a headache, so whenever I feel that snapping sensation I know I traveled. I have flying dreams as well, and I seem to go to the same place which is a forrest, or the beach. I always feel at peace when waking up from that, and I keep dreaming of the same man more and more. He came to visit me in a dream right before I got up aroun d 5 a.m. We were sitting on top of a hill, and he looked at me and smiled, there was grass everywhere, and we were looking out unto nature. I never met him before in reality so I'm not sure what this means. I knew it was him because of the blond hair, and the feeling I got from him. He seems to come when I feel lonely and I do at times. We could have known each other from another lifetime, and he could be trying to keep me close. I haven't had this much experience with my spiritual development before, and I have to learn what I can and can not handle. Once I get to a point where I can I want to use it to help others. I have to start paying attention to the times I wake up. I want to be able to control where I go when I astral travel, and I have been lucid dreaming like crazy. That'll be my new goal for the upcoming year is to be able to communicate with the other side a little better. I just want to overall to be fearless with this area of my life.